Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Delusional child


Who Care?

I know we all want to be special and unique and have everyone worship the ground we walk on. Seriously, Why else would we have kids?



If you don’t get that than you are annoying everyone around you with your rambling and ranting about how unfair the world is to you and how your birthday should shut down governments and be a national holiday.

If you didn’t cure cancer, you don’t get a holiday. Sorry about your luck.

What is more, is the simple fact of your need to moan your woes and force the world to listen to how special you think you are and how hurtful the world is to you.

Really? I mean do you seriously listen to yourself?

There are over 6 billion people on the planet. That is 6,000,000,000! Do you really understand your place here or are you that delusional. I don’t get a holiday! Nor am I complaining that I don’t. Yet you think you deserve to be respected and glorified by all those who come in contact with you.

AND How dare he say that or do that to me?!!?!?
How dare he be honest!?

How dare he tell me what I need to hear and not worship me for a snot nose little brat I am; how dare he treat me like a spoiled little child who has been given everything and never worked a day in my life.

Reality check!

I am a kitty cat compared to how the world is going to treat you real soon. The only difference is I care enough to write this and be honest with you about how you act and about how others (not your so called friends) see you!


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