Monday, April 30, 2012

Who are we?

Who Are WE??

A long time ago I answered this same question. And, Yes it was a long time ago! In fact it was over a decade ago and I can pin point the day I just don’t feel like dating myself or going into too much background. If you want the skinny and care that much; I will give you the personal account.  Over lunch!

I knew who I was and knew where I was going!


Not so sure. In fact I am at a crossroads.

I have three kids, a wonderful wife, a widowed mother and I lost my father and best friend. Yes the last two are completely separate. I love my mother and my father is now not able to take care of her like he did for 38 years so it does separate things a bit.

The facts are that life changes and with life… We change!

I quit smoking!
I quit working!
I am invested in three children who look up to me to make them independent and successful.

Life is full of change and stress!

So who am I?

I know more about myself today than I have ever known my 36 years in existence!
So why the hell am I still scared?!

I feel that the truth of all of us, is the fear of change. I am willing to face my change head on and see my flaws. This is scary!  I am flawed and I need help. Yes I need help!

Recently I was shown some invaluable lessons by a young man of the age of 19!
Talk about Humbling!

Yet here I am, an unemployed 36 year old student scared to death of the change that is taking place in my life and the 80 or so teen and twentysomethings that are surrounding him!

I am scared that I am going to fail. Lose everything and have to start all over again… Yet I am still here! I am honestly working at making it happen!
Most important, I am giving it a chance to succeed!

So, I am a success because, I gave it a chance!

I guess; the real question is will success give me a chance?

Well, Will it???


  1. I have 100% confidence in your success!

  2. My favorite realization in life came when I understood that right and wrong answers exists on tests and not in real life. In life every "failure" is just learning a way not to do it and often creates a whole new kind of success, one I wasn't even looking for. Fearing failure cripples and creates the only real failure because I do nothing. Just keep moving because if you recall Fear is not in our vocabulary. (to harken back to our childhood days ;)
