Thursday, March 29, 2012

Countdown 365 Begins



A little over a year ago I embarked on a journey of change and went back to school at the ripe young age of 35. My choice of degree programs has made me keenly aware that in order to become successful, and continue my learning from industry professionals I must alter my base location. I have been in contact with numerous individuals who are currently immersed in the film industry and all of them have been unanimous in helping me understand that a move is inevitable.  

In thinking about the inevitability of moving my Family of six I begin to get dizzy. A year ago when we had begun this journey my wife and I moved closer to Full Sail in order to aid the task of taking care of young children. That was a feat with a pregnant wife and two kids. Now we have added a child and are embarking on a move across the continent: literally a move from coast to coast. Years ago I might have tried this by myself and possibly succeeded. Today I am wiser and more aware that this could just kill me.  So, I am doing my research and making some plans and most of all asking for help.

Did he just say help? Yes, yes I did! Go figure! Hell, it only took the boy 36 years to finally admit he needs help. I get it! I get it! I am asking now.
The wise words are sinking in and here I am a humbled man asking nay, begging for help.

So lets cut the crap and get to the point. Starting March 29th I will be inviting everyone to My Foundation Group. I recognize and understand that you are the foundation and strength behind me. The only reason I have made it this far is because of you, and those like you, who found it necessary to invest in me. During this time I will be asking you for all sorts of help like West Coast contacts and housing information. 

My list of needs to follow in the coming post. For now, pass it along and get your friends involved.

Thanks guys. Much Love

Friday, March 23, 2012


So here I am. Scared! Terrified of embarking upon a new journey. Yes the excitement is there and I can feel that twinge of adrenaline, yet I still feel like failing will kill me.

If you have ever felt this than you are just like everyone else on this planet. We all fear one thing or another. Some of us just know how to work through it or have worked on it enough that it is a normal feeling.

Do It! Get up off your butt and start changing your life.

I smoked for about 25 years. Yep this 35 year old man had been smoking two thirds of his life.

I remember my first smoke like I remember the birth of my daughter 10 months ago. We were living in a townhouse, 9048 Silver Maple Ct. in Manassas, VA.  My neighbor next door was a little older and he and his buddies would all skateboard around the hood. I thought they were so cool.

One day I followed them to the area behind the row of townhomes into the thicket of brush next to the tree line. As I lost them in the thick I quickly followed the voices and the tunnel that suddenly opened up to my eyes. Then, there they were, drinking Boones Farm wine and smoking.

I am sure you get the hint and the outcome was of course 25 years of addiction to nicotine. My point however is I quit 4 months ago.

I have been trying to quit smoking for years! Decades! And I all of a sudden got scared to death after a comment my Father made to me while dying from cancer. It scared me so bad I am still haunted by it today.

It scared me more than the fear of change!

So here I am again.

Wanting to change and scared to.

Yet, I do not see any other option because I am more scared of not succeeding. I can see more failure in not trying than I can in failing.

So, this is the new me! A better me! I refuse to allow the world to scare me into another addiction. One of fear.

Been there!

Done that!

Doing it different, and making a change! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

In The Beginning

It is interesting the way our lives play out! One min we are doing the hum drum while the next min our whole world can change. Many people live a whole life in a box and never venture beyond their fears while others just accept the world for what it will throw at them and spit it back asking for more.

I am the latter. Never one to sit and settle into a routine I find my world to be too full of opportunity. So much opportunity that I in fact often get distracted and lost in my own world. Projects go unfinished and people often neglected due to my own world of opportunity.

Today my world changes. Today like most of the past year and past decade I am instituting a new personal rule.

What is it? You ask.

I'll tell you.

One year.

One year to get my world narrowed down and focused on the career I plan to pursue. One year to find as many people to support me and my work. One year to build a fan base and support structure that will facilitate my entrance into the gates of the LA Film World.

There you have it folks. My one year plan not so mapped out by the day.

Now I am giving you the keys to my plan and asking you to hold me accountable to it. If you want me to write about something, hear about something or just plain want me to post something let me know. If I am not responding enough or giving enough info, LET ME KNOW!

This is the beginning of the end. When I graduate on March 29, 2013 I will be walking forth into a new world. The old me will shed its skin and step forth renewed and inspired.

This may sound odd and a few of you may notice that this particular date is of interest. March 29, 2001 was the day I embarked on a similar journey. It was my first day back to work in a job I was not familiar and a world that had suddenly changed.

Many of you helped me then and I am asking that you help me now. Look to the future and follow my blogs, comment and create a thread we can converse on. I am here because of you! It is you that inspire me! It is you that fuels my creativity and allows me to flourish in my new world.

My whole goal is to create a fan base that will follow me and my work!

Lets do it!