Monday, October 15, 2012

Truth and Friendship

There are always those moments when we as people, humans, or understanding beings are confronted with what seems to be, stupidity. We are faced with a reality that is, at most, unfathomable. People shock and amaze us with such occasions of ignorance we are left utterly speechless. I myself have been guilty of such actions, yet I have reserved myself to working fervently to not make the same mistake twice.
At least not the big ones!
So with every year I grow and in my growth I have come to understand just how insignificant I am. I have come to see how little I truly know. I marvel now at the legacy my father left and the crap my parents put up with. I often think how nice it would be to step back in time and yell at myself or fix the past. NEVER!
Never will it happen and I am glad.
I am the man I am today and see the truth for what it is based on the events of my life. I am AWARE of my world and the people who share it with me.

I see you!
I see you for who you are.
Your insecurities are much like my own.
Your pain is a mirror reflection of my hurts.
You think you are special? You think you are alone?
I became so self absorbed in my life that I could not see anything beyond my own nose. Now I can hardly see why I cared so much for myself.

We choose the life we will lead. We choose to be happy. We choose to fail. We choose to look at others as manipulative pawns in a game of chess.
I choose to embrace you as truth! I embrace the individual much like myself with pain, sorrow, insecurity, happiness, and unique characteristics that make you interesting. I will not however choose to tell you what you want to hear!
I will rise above the need to please and I will accept the fate of friendship for the truth of reality. I would rather stand alone than be surrounded by loneliness. In my reservation to purchase my friends I have found a rare few. A handful of beings that have chosen to assign themselves to a thought process much like my own. They can be trusted. They are true.

They tell me I am wrong and I listen.
They tell me I am weak and they help build me.
They listen when I speak and lift me when I am down.
They are the world I can trust and the people I can truly call,


You know who you are and you know your worth. Continue to stand for truth and I will continue to listen.
Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. And we will stand by your side no matter what! Those that have stuck by you saw something in you like you saw in me...POTENTIAL! Can't wait to see where we go together no matter who tries to bring you down.
